Play #015 What is DISC Selling?

How personality types can help us understand how people think and act.

Welcome to the Play #015 of the Sales Transformation Newsletter. Each week I will bring you one Sales play that is tested through scaling multiple 7-figure B2B businesses that you can put into action to scale your business.

This sales play is spnsored by Humantic AI which helps sellers sell the way their buyers want to buy. You can take it for a test drive Here

Personality types can help us understand how people think and act. The DISC personality system is a way to categorize people into four different types: Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Conscientious. Here’s how to sell to each type:

1. Dominant

People with this personality type are direct and goal-oriented. They like to get right to the point and don’t like wasting time. To sell to them, be clear about what you’re offering and why it’s important. Focus on the benefits of your product or service and be prepared to answer any questions they may have.

2. Influential

People with this personality type are outgoing and persuasive. They like to talk about their ideas and get others excited about them too. To sell to them, focus on the emotional benefits of your product or service. Show them how it can make their life easier or better in some way.

3. Steady

People with this personality type are patient and reliable. They like taking their time when making decisions and prefer a more relaxed approach. To sell to them, focus on building trust by being honest about your product or service. Show them that you understand their needs and that you’re willing to work with them over time if needed.

4. Conscientious

People with this personality type are analytical and detail-oriented. They like gathering information before making decisions and prefer facts over feelings when it comes to making choices. To sell to them, provide as much information as possible about your product or service so they can make an informed decision. Be prepared for lots of questions!

Final Thoughts

No matter what DISC personality type you’re selling to, the key is to understand their needs and be prepared to answer any questions they may have. By taking the time to get to know your customer and their needs, you’ll be able to make a successful sale.     

See you again next week.

-Collin Mitchell


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