Play #018 Stop The Spray and Prey Sales Approach!

Ways To Improve Your Outbound Sales Motion

Welcome to the Play #018 of the Sales Transformation Newsletter. Each week I will bring you one Sales play that is tested through scaling multiple 7-figure B2B businesses that you can put into action to scale your business.

This sales play is sponsored by Humantic AI which helps sellers sell the way their buyers want to buy. You can take it for a test drive Here

Are you looking for ways to improve your outbound sales motion?

Surprisingly enough so many B2B SaaS companies are still operating off a 2015 outbound sales playbook which is primarily a spray-and-prey approach. 😱

Now, I’m not going to lie I used to operate off this same playbook but let me be clear this no longer works. Sales has evolved and the way you run your outbound sales motion needs to be upgraded to 2023.

Outbound sales are a great way to reach potential customers and build relationships. But if you’re not using the right approach, it can be difficult to get results. 📈

Hyper-personalization is the answer to upgrading your outbound sales strategies and I’ll give you the key ingredients that you need to pull this off.

The first thing is getting to know your prospects

You do this by having a sales researcher on your team or making the first step in your sequence to do contact research.

You want to look for the things that show you did some research on them and their company. Get to know their personality and see if they have been on any podcasts.

Now that you have done your research you want to personalize the message to stand out. Show them that you understand their challenges and want to add value by being a resource.

The only thing that will trigger a response is if your prospects feel you know something that they don’t and have shown that you can add value by piquing their interest to learn more.

Now, for extra credit and a shot at increasing your positive replies by 50% or more, you want to write about the personality of the person. Here is my personality profile for an example.

You will want to use every available channel, and there is no need to wait one or more days between channels. For example, Day 1 of the recent sequence I wrote had four steps.

Day One

  • Contact Research 

  • LinkedIn Connection Request & Engage

  • Manual personalized email

  • 1st phone call

After day one of this sequence many of the following days will have combo touches with one including video.

Final Thoughts

To wrap things up here the winning strategy for a modern outbound sales playbook is to be hyper-personalized every step of the way. Using multiple channels and video is an easy way to stand out.   

See you again next week.

-Collin Mitchell


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