Play #024 How to sell to CROs

Three tips when selling to the CRO

Welcome to the Play #024 of the Sales Transformation Newsletter. Each week I will bring you one Sales play that is tested through scaling multiple 7-figure B2B businesses that you can put into action to scale your business.

Some sellers struggle to sell to the CRO.

But it's mainly because they get in their head and fumble.

Trust me; I have been there before. 🤦‍♂️

Remember, these executives wear their pants or skirts as you do daily.

They are humans and have many of the same life experiences and challenges as you.

CROs usually have a deep sales background and appreciation for good salesmanship.

So if you show up prepared and know how to align with their goals, they will hear you out.

This is a useful advantage if played right.

Here are three tips when selling to the CRO

1. Do Your Homework

Spend a reasonable amount of time researching the account and the contact. What can you learn about what they do, who they serve, in the news, on their website, podcast and social media?

Take good notes and look for opportunities to tie things together so you can craft a compelling message that grabs the attention.

2. Don't Make Assumptions

You need to do your homework to show that you care and are prepared but don’t assume anything.

Ask good questions and get calcification on any key points.

One wrong assumption is enough to kill your deal before you even create the deal in your CRM.

3. Be Trustworthy

So that you are a man or woman of your word

  • Do what you say your gouging to do.

  • Give it to them straight.

  • Don’t be scared to challenge them

  • Be meticulous with your follow-up and follow through

The bottom line is that you shouldn’t avoid going right to CRO when prospecting or early on in your sales cycles. It will increase your win rates and shorten your sale cycles.

See you again next week.

-Collin Mitchell

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