Play #037 Three Time Management Tips for B2B Sellers

Three big secrets to managing your time like a pro

Welcome to the Play #037 of the Sales Transformation Newsletter. Each week I will bring you one Sales play that is tested through scaling multiple 7-figure B2B businesses that you can put into action to scale your business.

I have guested on over 120+ top business podcasts, which has built my brand, driven $1M + in revenue, and has over $3M in the pipeline. You can get early presale access and 50% off to see exactly how I did it. Early Access Pre-sale!

Are you a busy B2B seller or sales leader, and are you being productive?

Being busy and being productive are two very different things.
Being productive means executing activities that get you closer to your goals.

There are many distractions, and people often waste a lot of time each day. Doing a simple inventory of how you spend your workday might surprise
you at how much time you waste.

Once you know this, you can implement some things
that have helped me with time management.

Prioritize: Make A List,
and Check it Twice!

First things first, make a list of your tasks. But don't just scribble down everything in a hurry. Take your time to make a list of what you need to do and what you need to stop doing.

Making a list of things you will not do, like scrolling through social media and other mindless activities, will create time for what you need to do.

Once you have a list, rank things in order of importance, check things off as they get done, and review your list at the end of the week.

Time-Blocking: Your Time, Your Blocks

Think of your day like a big box of Lego blocks.
Each block takes a bit of time. It could be 30 minutes or an hour.

Schedule these blocks in your calendar for specific things that must be done daily, weekly, or monthly.

An example can be a one-hour block for prospecting, or it can be more specific, like making 100 cold calls, sending 20 emails, or creating 10 custom videos.

Rest and Recharge: You’re Not a Robot!

Finally, remember that you're human, not a robot. Humans need breaks. You need time to recharge.

Be sure to plan your breaks and have them on your calendar, or else it will be too easy to skip breaks.

This is not just for your lunch break but also for short breaks to stand up, stretch your feet, and hydrate in between activities.

When you rest, your brain gets stronger. And a stronger brain will make you more sharp and productive.


Three big secrets to managing your time like a pro: Prioritize your tasks, use
time-blocking, and take breaks. Try these out.

With these in your toolbox, you'll conquer your day like a superhero. So, pull on your cape, stand tall, and show the world that you're the master of your time!

See you again next week!
-Collin Mitchell-


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