Play #052 How to Motivate Your Sales Team During the Holidays

Close End of Year Strong

Each week, I bring you battle tests, sales plays, and learning lessons from my experience as a Founder, VP of Sales, and my current role as the Managing Partner at Leadium, where we help world-class B2B sales teams drive revenue through our done-for-your top-of-funnel services.

According to Deloitte, holiday sales will likely increase by as much as 4.6% this year. No matter your industry, your reps will be glued to their phones and trying to convert as many prospects into customers as possible. With high call volumes and strict quotas, your team might feel the heat in the next few months. Here's how to motivate them while ensuring your most successful sales period.

Recognize Achievements

Acknowledging success can create little competition in your sales department, motivating employees to do better. For example, you can tally up each rep's sales at the end of the day and write this information on a whiteboard in the center of your office. Every time a salesperson passes the board, it will encourage them to try harder and convert more prospects into paying customers.

Reward Achievements

'Tis the season to be happy, and nothing will make your sales reps smile more than a well-earned prize. Rewarding top-performing agents with a small gift can improve their morale, resulting in productivity gains for your entire organization.

You don't have to spend much money to incentivize your employees. I recommend gift cards or a small cash bonus for those who go above and beyond in their selling. You could even offer your best team members paid time off after the holidays if they achieve a particular target.

Invest in Training

The proper training will help your reps deal with the holiday rush and become more effective sellers, motivating them to do their jobs better. For example, you can teach team members to:

  • Wrap-up calls quicker

  • Improve their call etiquette

  • Become more efficient at post-call administrative work

Although training requires an investment, it could increase revenue this holiday season. Research from the Association of Talent Development reveals that 31% more sales reps reach their quotas in companies with training plans.

Provide the Right Resources

One of the best ways to motivate sales reps is to invest in resources like employee assistance programs, which can help teams improve their well-being and overcome workplace challenges. Alternatively, you can decorate the walls of your office with motivational quotes or send team members links to speeches and articles from sales leaders that will inspire them.

You can also improve motivation by allowing reps to provide feedback about their jobs. Surveys are a great way to do this, and you can ask employees to expand on their responses during future performance reviews.


The holiday season can be hectic for sales reps, leaving them uninspired. The best ways to boost motivation are recognizing and rewarding achievements, investing in training, and providing teams with valuable resources. That can encourage teams to do better, improving productivity in your organization.

Peace Out

See you again next week!
-Collin Mitchell

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