Play #062 7 Tips For Video Prospecting

How to fill the funnel with using video

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7 Tips For Video Prospecting

 As a three-time sales leader and four-time founder, I've learned the importance of leveraging video throughout the entire sales process.Today, I want to share seven tactical tips for leveraging video effectively in your sales motion as a founder or leader who sells.

1. Personalize Your Approach

In a digital world, authenticity is paramount. Personalize your video messages to connect on a deeper level with your audience. Address recipients by name, reference previous interactions, and tailor your video to their specific needs. Demonstrating genuine interest and understanding fosters trust and strengthens relationships.

Tactical Tip:  Use video to introduce yourself before sales calls or outreach emails, putting a face to the name and setting a friendly tone.

2. Position Yourself as the Authority

Video offers a powerful platform to showcase your expertise and thought leadership. Share valuable insights, industry trends, and success stories through engaging video content. Position yourself as the go-to authority in your field, establishing credibility and attracting potential clients and partners. Post these videos wherever your prospects hang out and even send the link to some of your new connections via DM’s.

Tactical Tip: Create short educational videos addressing common pain points or frequently asked questions within your industry.

3. Humanize Your Brand

Behind every business and person, there is a story waiting to be told. Use video to humanize your brand and convey its unique narrative. Share your journey and the journey of your company. Authentic storytelling resonates with audiences on an emotional level, fostering loyalty and affinity.

Tactical Tip: Interview team members or customers to share their experiences and perspectives, adding depth to your brand story.

4. Engage Your Audience

Video provides an interactive platform to engage your audience and spark meaningful conversations. Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, or virtual events to connect directly with your target audience. Encourage participation and feedback, creating a sense of community and collaboration.

Tactical Tip: Use polls, quizzes, or interactive features to keep viewers engaged and actively involved during live video sessions.

5. Optimize Your Content

Accessibility is key to maximizing the impact of your video content. Ensure your videos are optimized for different devices and platforms, including mobile devices and social media channels. Incorporate captions and transcripts for better visibility across platforms.

Tactical Tip: Use platform-specific analytics to track engagement and performance metrics, refining your video strategy based on audience behavior.

6. Experiment with Formats

Variety is the spice of life – and video content is no exception. Experiment with different formats and styles to keep your audience engaged and intrigued. Try tutorials, product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or customer testimonials to showcase your offerings from diverse perspectives.

Tactical Tip: Conduct A/B testing with different video formats to identify which resonates most with your target audience.

7. Measure and Iterate

As a seasoned sales leader and founder, you understand the importance of data-driven decision-making. Leverage analytics to measure the effectiveness of your video content and campaigns. Track metrics such as views, engagement rates, and conversion rates to gauge performance and identify areas for improvement.

Tactical Tip: Set clear goals and benchmarks for your video initiatives, and regularly review performance data to inform future strategies and optimizations.

Final Thoughts

Armed with these seven tactical tips, you're well-equipped to leverage the power of video in your go-to-market strategy. Remember, authenticity, engagement, and creativity are the cornerstones of effective video communication.

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Peace Out

See you again next week!
-Collin Mitchell

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